Friday, September 15, 2006

Birth Of The Digital Movement

Singapore is an ambitious country.
She aspires to be the hub of many things throughtout the region and the world.


Global hub for digital media and entertainment, global hub for water and environmental technology, regional hub for IT and telecommunications….

It goes on and on.

But pay attention.

Repeat the last example:
“Regional Hub For IT And Telecommunications”


Go To .
Look at the 4th line of the 2nd paragraph in the blog “Birth of The Digital Movement”.
What does it say?
“Hub For Innovation And Technology”

Now, everybody with enough common sense would say to build a hub of anything you have to start from SOMEWHERE…..

Big Question: WHERE ?

Ever thought of that?

Now read the 6th sentence of the 3rd paragraph.
Go ahead, read it!

Found the answer?
“There is an emerging community of highly passionate…”
Answer: Start from a community.

I believe The Digital Movement has an idea and aim which time has come. And for that matter, probably overdue!
Isn’t it about time that a strong, tightly-knitted community is founded so that the work and contributions of technology people gets appreciated?
So that the local technology heroes earn their well-deserved respect?
So that we are not alone and have a place to draw our resources, support and strength?

I think this is something we all can look forward to.

--The Digital Movement was started by 4 enterprising students who have completed internship at technology start-ups abroad. Starting with a phone-call and an idea, they formed TDM which will change the local technology scene in the name of progressiveness and development.--

--To enquire more information, leave a comment at .--


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