Monday, March 12, 2007

Being Who I Am.

I am going to achieve my goals daringly.
And I'm going to do so for myself, as a way of defining who I am.
It's no longer for other people's respect, acceptance or approval.

It's for me.

And because of this, I'm not afraid of being criticised for wanting to achieve such dreams that may seem unrealistic or foolish to many. Let the hits come and I shall absorb each blow willingly, and move forward.

This is who I am, and I want to do this for me.
I will not apologize. I will not second guess. I will not sell myself short.
I give myself full permission to claim my dreams and to deserve every part of it.

*I will graduate with honours in Computer Engineering (2011) . I will not give up half way through.

*I will earn my MBA in Harvard, Stanford or Wharton. I will not lose heart.

*I will be financially free before graduation from university (2011) so that I can CHOOSE FREELY to commit myself to whatever I want to do and pursue .

*I will earn my first million before graduation (2011) so that I can DONATE that amount to save lives .

*I will bring my family travelling around New Zealand for a month, sponsored fully by myself, shortly after my mother's retirement (2010-2011). I want to give this to them as much as I want to give this to myself.

*I will publish my first bestseller this year (2007) so that I can inspire others to give themselves permission to do the same.

*I will set the World Record for The Most Books Read In A Week so that I create a meaning and a purpose (2009). I will train two years for this.

*I will establish and launch the business with my entrepreneurial marketing team this year so that no one is deprived of the look they want (2007). We call ourselves, IMItouch.

*I will build and run 15 profitable websites this year (2007). It shall improve the lives of everyone who visits it.

*I will establish and launch my online business together with my partner this year successfully (2007). It shall make the world a better place.

*This year (2007) I will become an independant adult, completely responsible for myself and totally capable of providing for myself and solving my own problems. I will live my life in my own hands.

*I choose , now, to be an entrepreneur and I deserve to call myself one without apologies (2007). I want to push purpose-driven entrepreneurship to the world and contribute back to society.

*I will become the best online entrepreneur on the internet. I will always stay in the game and when it's being played, I play it hard.

*I will let new people into my life without letting my judgement stop me from understanding and accepting them. I will no longer walk alone.

*I will find and attract that special someone and I will not let myself get in my own way. I deserve her just as much as she deserves me.

It shall manifest. One way or another.
And this time, it shall be realized because of me being who I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go TY!

I support you all the way.

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U r da man, partner! -Eric

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the way TY!

Carry on inspiring all of us.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TY, it's good stuff. You have my utmost support. You mirror the laws of attraction as stated in the inspiring video "the secret" perfectly.
Do not be bogged done if you miss one of them!

6:15 PM  
Blogger kang said...

Hey TY,
What a passion-filled post.

Work on you goals step by step, one by one, and you'll achieve great things.

10:11 PM  
Blogger JazzyJ said...

Im on this entrepreneurship journey with you. -Jens

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.Nor true sorrow nor true love.”-Theodore Roosevelt

1:45 AM  
Blogger [s]u[s]a[n] said...

yes you will never walk alone. there will always family and friends and mentors to guide and be with you throughout this journey. =) glad to be able to share some thoughts with you today Tian Yan and thank you for inspiring me with your determination as well.

keep your visions close to your heart and they will be within your reach. take care!

12:33 AM  

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